Everything We KeepEverything We Keep by Kerry Lonsdale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story had everything I want in a book–suspense, romance, mystery, memorable characters, and depth of story. It accelerates from chapter to chapter with twists and turns and shocks along the way. Her lifelong best friend and fiance dies just before their wedding. She seeks meaning and answers. The story tells her journey to the truth. This book stuck in my hand until the very end. Be sure to review the book on Amazon after you read it. Reviews help authors, even bestselling authors like Kerry!
Everything We Keep

I had the joy of meeting Kerry Lonsdale at a writer’s conference in Albuquerque last year. As I was telling her how much I loved her book, she snapped a photo of us for her social media

Authors Kerry Lonsdale and Joni M Fisher

followers. If you enjoyed her book, give South of Justice a read. Both books feature strong women struggling to find out the truth about the man to whom they have pledged love and life.

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