Stumped about what to get that voracious reader on your Christmas list? Here are suggestions from a voracious reader and new author for your consideration.

Please note that some of the links in these suggestions may include an affiliate link (which means I make a few cents on whatever you buy). Thanks, in advance!

And now the goodies.

Storiarts book theme scarf


Scarves, gloves, blankets, beanies, and more with artwork and text from classic literature. How about a baby blanket in a  children’s literature theme?

Choose book scarves adorned with quotations from Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, the Wizard of Oz, The Night Circus, Mortal Instruments, Sherlock Holmes, and many more. My personal favorite is Romans 12.

The writing gloves have the fingertips cut off. Perfect for holding that steaming mug of coffee, hot chocolate, or tea.

The book tote bags can double as sturdy grocery or shopping bags.


writing gloves
book tote bag
Cafe Press Oxford Comma


The dishwasher-safe travel mugs with sayings on them are my favorite. I have one that says “writer” and another favorite is about the Oxford Comma. Yes, I will die on that hill to defend the Oxford Comma because punctuation changes meaning. 

“I love my parents, Santa, and the Easter Bunny” means something different than “I love my parents, Santa and the Easter Bunny.” 

There is also one listing Shakespearian insults. 

CafePress also makes t-shirts, baseball caps, wall art, and other fun items in many themes. You can search for items by theme, such as books, or reading.

pen light

Penyeah Pen Light

A pen that lights up when you write. Writers and students who need to write without disturbing others will appreciate this pen. How many times have you settled into bed and an idea or reminder wakes you? Jot it down and go back to sleep with this handy pen.

I used to have a $25 lighted pen from a famous specialty store, but the batteries were tough to come by. This new company makes them cheaper and the batteries are available.


Under $20

Keychains, like this one are handy and demonstrate one’s love of books. For under $20, you can get these for the president of your book club, teacher, book hoarder, or librarian.

(It’s not hoarding if it’s books. Let’s call it a collection.)

book lover socks

Under $20

Socks that tell it like it is.

But, of course, you can always get an Amazon gift card for the reader to choose more items to add to the TBR pile.

If your reader enjoys digital books, I recommend downloading the free Kindle App on the phone or tablet or iPad.

Free Books

Oh, and by the way, did you know that most of the classics are available to download for free? Yup. Here’s the link:

Free Classics on Kindle

Did you know that in Iceland there is a Christmas tradition to give and enjoy books on Christmas Eve? It’s called Jolabokaflod, which translates as “book flood.” Handsome and I traveled the ring road around Iceland. Living in a place that near the Arctic Circle means very long, cold nights and deep snow. Reading is a favorite pastime there.

You can read more about it here.

Merry Christmas, and happy reading!

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